Jacob's Pillar jacobspillar.com jacobspillar.org

"Ask, and it shall be given you;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"
Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:7)
Jacob's Pillar examines subjects and events that
help clarify our purpose for being here on Earth.
We want to know with confidence:
where we came from,
why we are here,
where we are going
both as individuals as well as a civilization.
and the truth shall make you free."
Jesus Christ (John 8:32)
How can a loving God allow suffering in this world without interceding? Why doesn't God intervene when catastrophes are about to occur? These are just a couple of the questions asked by those who don't understand our reason for being here in this world.
Those who embrace Epicurean philosophy don't believe there is an omnipotent God. Epicureans believe this material life we live is all there is so make the best of it because when this flesh body dies we cease to exist except to those who we have made a memorable impact.
Those who embrace Stoic philosophy believe there is an omnipotent being we call God but this being is occupied with more important things and is indifferent to our condition here on Earth. Stoics devote themselves to a structured and disciplined life that will benefit the greater society. Stoics generally believe when we die our soul returns to the cosmic cradle where it mingles with other souls.
Those who embrace the teachings of the Christian Bible believe the omnipotent being is a real living God called by many names: I am, I am that I am, Jehovah (YHVH), and "Ya" are a few. Christians believe humanity is here in this world for a very specific purpose: The salvation of our souls. In receiving salvation by God's grace through Jesus Christ we go on to take part in the harvest of souls of all humanity. Christians believe Christ will establish his Kingdom here on earth in our near future. Then, all of humanity (12 billion souls?) will live a thousand years governed by Christ (Messiah) and His saints. At the end of the thousand years The Final Judgement will take place and those who received immortality in the first resurrection unto life and those who receive immortality in the second resurrection unto life will proceed into the 3rd Earth Age where The LORD will reveal His eternal paradise.
How can life here on Earth be like a stage play?
I personally believe thinking of our lives here on the great stage: Earth, as being the best analogy for what we're going through. Except, it's as real as reality can get. Earth is the stage and we are the players. Each of us has a role to play for better or for worse. When this dispensation ends at The Second Advent of Christ, each and everyone of us will be judged according to our performance. If the Earth is the stage and we are the players, what is God's role in all of this? God has multiple roles one of which is being the Director. When we are off stage (i.e. in Heaven) our soul and spirit are in our incorruptible body. When we are on stage our soul and spirit are extended into our corruptible body here in earth. Does the player bring who they are off stage to who they are on stage? Not exactly. Our spirit consists of several facets which include accumulated knowledge, wisdom which is the Godly application of knowledge, and character. We enter this world with no knowledge of who we were before arriving in our mother's womb. But, we do bring one thing into our earthly bodies with our soul: Our spirit's character with all of the character flaws we accumulated in The First Earth Age. One of our tasks in this world is to discipline our character to be Christ like.
God, Who is the Director, is also a player. Two thousand years ago God extended His Soul and Spirit into the womb of the virgin Mary and Jesus was born. Having the character of God in Heaven Jesus led a life without sin. He knew He was The Messiah, and therefore, the role He must play here on Earth to fulfill Biblical Prophecy. Jesus performed His role and left the stage by crucifixion. Three days later Jesus' soul and spirit returned to His crucified body in the tomb. At that moment His flesh body was transfigured to become incorruptible yet the wounds He suffered from being nailed to the cross and the wound from the spear remained as a testimony. He proceeded to minister to His disciples forty days before ascending directly into Heaven (Acts 1:9-11).
That must have been quite a stage exit.
Why is there suffering in this world? We are the ones responsible not God. It is our sinful nature that has brought about all of our suffering! Humanity (In the 1st Earth Age) is responsible for the wretched state of this world with it's fierce weather, earthquakes, tsunamis, and erupting volcanoes. God does not directly pop in and stop a hurricane or an earthquake or a building collapsing because it's not in the script, that is, God's non-interference is in the script. When is the last time you watched a stage play and during a tragic moment, the director of the play came charging out of the wings to intercede in the play? The primary guiding force for humanity in this Earth Age is "FAITH". If the sky were to suddenly open to reveal God surrounded by His Army in Heaven ready to come to our aid, there would be no need for faith. Faith is the crucial element in the assembling of His Saints. God does have a conduit to intercede in this world and it's called prayer. He will either grant or deny our request but know for sure God has our best interest at heart.
Each and every one of us were created by Him.
He is the Father of our soul.
We are His children long before our parents conceived us.
To what end?
In the 1st Earth Age we all lived in paradise. The LORD gave us free will which enabled us to reach our full potential, that is, being the best person we can be in accordance with the will of The LORD. That paradise ended when some of us decided to pursue life choices that were in violation of The LORD'S will. Aka: sin. Sin is a cancer that eats away at our relationship with The LORD. Those who governed Earth at that time were led by Lucifer. After the end of the Luciferian rebellion The LORD was committed to repairing the damage by establishing the 2nd Earth Age. During the 2nd Earth Age each of us would be born into this world, live a life according to our individual will, and then exit this stage when our corruptible body dies. Each of us will consequently be judged according to the life we lived (the role we played) here in earth. Those of us who accept God's gift of grace through Jesus Christ will take part in the 1st Resurrection Unto Life. Our role for the thousand year reign of Christ will be to govern with Him here on Earth. This governing body replaces Lucifer's government. At the end of the thousand years, those who didn't take part in the 1st Resurrection unto life will be judged. Some will take part in the 2nd Resurrection Unto Life
but others will stubbornly refuse The LORD'S will.
The ultimate objective The LORD has in the 2nd Earth Age is the eradication of unrepentant sin from His creation: Mankind.
We all have the potential to take part in the first resurrection unto life.
There are many gods in this world.
Even athiests worship at least one god (Themselves)
and usually many more like power, money, and other material objects.
The God of the Hebrew Bible is One, that is, Monotheistic.
Many have mistakenly assumed the God of the Christians
is polytheistic because of references to "The Trinity".
An examination of "The Trinity" the Christian Church
speaks of is made of three indivisible truths:
The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.
God-The Father is LIFE.
The GOD of the Holy Bible is the source of all life.
All life as we know it would not exist without Him.
GOD has projected His life force into His creation.
The term assigned to His life force in us is "the living soul".
There are two primary phrases in the Bible referencing angels.
One is "An angel of the Lord" which indicates this is a creation of The LORD. The other is "The angel of the Lord" which indicates this is The LORD Himself in His incorruptible/eternal body. God-The Father has chosen to interact with His creation through His Angel: i.e. His incorruptible body.
God-The Son is God in His earthly corruptible body: Jesus the Christ, Yehushua (Ya-sh-uwa) Ha Mashich (Joshua The Messiah). Jesus was Crucified, died, and was buried. Consequently, due to His sinless nature, He resurrected from the dead. At that moment His corruptible body was transfigured to His incorruptible body. I believe from that moment on,
The Father's incorruptible body and the Son's incorruptible body
are one in the same.
God -The Holy Spirit is God's intellect who transcends space and time.
Through the teachings in the Holy Bible we can come to understand
the soul, the body, and the spirit are the essence of God's Being
(And by extension the essence of His creation man and beast alike.).
Therefore, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are consubstantial (Webster's Dictionary: of the same substance),
Christianity is Monotheistic, and the God of the Christian Bible is One.
On the sixth day of Genesis 1, God (Elohim) said "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Elohim is a curious Hebrew word indicating a plurality of persons present. Some theologians believe this is in reference to "The Trinity", however, the use of Elohim is most likely in reference to God and those who were present with Him when Elohim said:
"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."
Which begs the question: Who was with God?
My shocking answer to that question is: Everyone!
That is, we were, aka all of humanity.
God created all things, including mankind, for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11), therefore, humanity and all of our ethnic groups are first and foremost to be pleasing to our Creator. Our primary example of this is Jesus The Christ. To squabble over our ethnic differences is nothing less than sibling rivalry disorder. I find peace in remembering God created us for His pleasure. Everything about us: The color of our skin, our unique ethnic social habits, and our love of life are what He created us for.
The Holy Bible teaches us two important things regarding
the body, soul, and spirit:
"This corruptible must put on incorruption and
this mortal must put on immortality."
(1 Corinthians 15:53).
The first goal will be achieved regardless of our efforts.
It has to do with the ephemeral nature of our flesh body.
Upon the death of this earthly flesh body our soul and spirit
will return to our incorruptible body in Heaven.
(Ecclesiastes 12:6-7)
The second goal is dependent upon our obedience to God's will. Did you even know you had a soul? Did you know your soul is in a state of mortality? Webster's Dictionary defines mortal as "subject to death".
When God created us He gave us immortal souls.
Sin is a cancer that eats away at that immortality.
In order for our soul to put on immortality the first thing we must do is repent of our sin and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior.
There is no other way to put on immortality!
Jesus, Himself, said "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6). Then, when we take part in the first resurrection unto life, our soul will become immortal. I recommend reading the Gospel of John to better understand these things.
Heaven is where GOD is present.
Before the Luciferian Rebellion, I believe this Solar System was an amazing place to live. The planets were humanities playground and they accomplished many things that would amaze us today.
The fifth planet is of special interest since it lies in bits and pieces in the asteroid belt today as well as having pieces of it that are imbedded in the other planets throughout the Solar system.
The fifth planet was destroyed during the Luciferian rebellion.
How and why it was destroyed remains a mystery to us here on Earth.
We do know Lucifer convinced one third of humanity to rebel against God.
The fifth planet's destruction brought an end to life in our Solar System around 13,500 years ago. As the Luciferian Rebellion ended The LORD created the "extra dimension" we call Heaven. To this day The LORD and the life that was displaced by that rebellion reside in Heaven while things are played out here on Earth.
The story of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:19-31) describes what happens when someone dies unrepentant in their sins. At first examination Hell seems to be a physical place where one burns in fire and brimstone. Meditating on the story, however, opens up other possibilities. From a spiritual point of view the rich man having died in sin is not in spiritual communion with The LORD. He begs for a drop of water to quench his thirst. John 4:7-14 decribes Jesus encounter with a Samaritan woman who came to draw water. Jesus told her if she knew who He was she would have asked Him for Living
Water and she would never thirst again. I believe this is the water the rich man was craving, however, the "great gulf fixed" was between them (Luke16:26). I think of the "great gulf fixed" as a spiritual barrier between those who have accepted God's gift of Grace through Jesus Christ and those who have not. Living Water nourishes those whose souls have received immortality but is not available to those who haven't accepted God's gift of grace through Jesus Christ, that is, those whose souls are in
a state of mortality.
Hell is not to be confused with The Lake of Fire. Hell is not a physical destination but rather a state of one's soul and spirit. Specifically when we are living in unrepentant sin we lose spiritual communion with The LORD. Honestly repenting of our sin through Jesus Christ will enable us to
enter into spiritual communion with The LORD.
Whether we are living here in earth or are in Heaven,
Hell is not being in Spiritual Communion with The LORD.
2 Corinthians 12:4 and Revelation 2:7 seem to imply Paradise is
a physical destination.
According to Luke 23:39-43 Jesus was crucified with two other men. One of them believed Jesus was The Christ (Messiah) and asked Jesus to remember him when Jesus comes into His Kingdom.
Jesus told the repentant sinner hanging next to Him:
"...Today shall you be with me in paradise."
You could say Paradise is a physical destination but it would be more accurate to call it a Holy destination, that is, a state of one's soul and spirit. Our soul can be in a state of mortality or in a state of immortality. In our Christian walk our soul journeys from mortality to immortality. When our soul enters a state of immortality and we are in spiritual communion with The LORD, that is Paradise.
When I was young I was under the impression that Purgatory was a place between Heaven and Earth where we go after our physical body dies. I thought Purgatory was analogous to a train station between two large cities. I believed we go there when we die in a state of unrepentant sin and that the purpose of Purgatory was for us to reflect on and repent of our sin, a kind of benevolent punishment, and that after a certain period of time and spiritual reflection we would be allowed to proceed to Heaven where we would be with
God, family, and friends.
When our physical body dies our soul and spirit proceed immediately to Heaven whether we believe in Jesus Christ or not and whether we have repented of our sin or not. There will be no dirt nap and there will be no side trips. Heaven is where we came from and back to Heaven we shall go. In the blink of an eye we will be back in
our incorruptible body and we will behold the Throne of God
with our very own incorruptible eyes.
All souls return to God Who created them:
"Or ever the silver cord be loosed ... Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return to God who gave it."
(Ecclesiastes 12:6-7)
How plain can these verses be?
Our spirit and consequently our soul returns to God (In Heaven)
at the moment of our physical bodies death.
Your Incorruptible body in Heaven is in the presence of God:
"Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in Heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in Heaven." (Matthew 18:10)
Just another misinterpreted verse?
The common interpretation is that the children who were present with Jesus had angels in Heaven and that these angels are the children's "Guardian Angels" looking out for their well-being here on earth. After extensive reflection on this matter I now believe the "angels" Jesus referred to were and are the incorruptible bodies of "these little ones" which reside in Heaven and literally are able to see The LORD upon His Throne. I believe we all have incorruptible bodies or "angels" in Heaven. These incorruptible bodies are the vessels our soul and spirit were created to inhabit from the beginning of time.
In order to fulfill The LORD'S purpose in this earth age, our soul and certain attributes of our spirit are extended into our corruptible vessels here on earth when we are conceived in our mothers womb. Our soul and spirit fully retract back to our incorruptible body in Heaven when our corruptible body here on earth ceases to function.
Can a sinful person enter into the presence of God?:
"Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." (Job 1:6-7)
Answer: YES!
An unrepentant sinner can enter into the presence of God and can have a conversation with Him as well.
That DOESN'T mean unrepentant sinners are in Spiritual Communion with God. They are not. There is a difference between being physically in the presence of God and having a
personal loving relationship with Him.
Here on earth in our corruptible physical bodies there are many daily experiences we are exposed to that are ungodly in nature.
These experiences contaminate our thoughts and diminish our spiritual communion with the LORD. We must continually be strengthening ourselves through studying The Holy Bible and fellowship. The process of purging ungodly thoughts in order to purify our mind and heart requires discipline and time.
Purgatory is not a physical place but it is a process of purifying our spirit so that we may enter into full spiritual communion with GOD.
The Middle Plateau is an extra dimension brought to my attention by Father Malachi Martin during his interview on
Art Bell's radio show Coast to Coast AM, October 18 1996.
The Middle Plateau is where those who were born into this world as the "Giants" of Genesis 6 and bear the title Nephilim (Pre-flood) or Raphaim (Post flood) reside to this day. When their Hybrid bodies subsequently perished, their souls and spirits were unable to return to their incorruptible bodies in Heaven. Jude 1 speaks of "the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, He has reserved in everlating chains under darkness unto the judgement of the great day." These disembodied entities have no sensory perception in The Middle Plateau. They are, however, able to seek an opportunity to enter a corruptible body here on Earth. There are many ways they can accomplish this: Oija boards, seance and other Satanic rituals, hypnotism, and so on. Many people who accept these evil spirits into themselves become perfectly possessed as they are willing to have a symbiotic relationship with them. For others it's a nightmare which can only be relieved by exorcism. On the day of The Great White Throne Judgement of Revelation 20, I expect their souls and spirits will be granted return to their incorruptible bodies.
I've come to realize over the years that the Tribulation the Holy Bible speaks of has been happening for as long as there has been people populating Earth. Tribulation has ebbed and flowed all around this planet for thousands of years.
This Tribulation will continue until human government is replaced by the Antichrist's government.
Great Tribulation
I believe there are a limited number of souls The LORD created.
I also believe one of the condiions that must be met before the Great Tribulation occurs is: All eligible human souls must be born into this world. It is at this time Michael and his angels will cast Satan and his angels out of Heaven (Revelation 12:7-9).
This event is described by Jesus:
"I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven."
(Luke 1:18)
Have you seen the science programs that describe lightnings behavior? Clouds gather electrical energy. An ionic conection is established between the cloud and the earth. A visible electric leader can be seen rising up from the ground first and then the electric charge from the cloud descends to connect with the rising charge. They meet in the air. At this time the electric charge in the cloud descends to earth as a lightning bolt.
Satan and his angels will appear to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and His angels.
This is the Great Tribulation.
People here on Earth will believe the Antichrist really is
Jesus Christ. It's Satan's role and he is going to give the performance of his life!
The Great Tribulation will last for five months before
Satan proclaims himself God.
(Revelation 9:5, Mark 13:14)
Christ's Return
When Satan proclaims himself God, the extra-dimension we call Heaven will open and everyone here on Earth will see Jesus Christ and His saints.
Those still living here on Earth will experience a transition from their corruptible body to their incorruptible body.
All of our memories from the
First Earth Age will be restored.
Satan will be bound.
Christ will establish His government.
All of Humanity will be here on Earth.
As for those who think the Earth is crowded now,
just wait until we're all here!
After this dispensation there will be
a thousand year period of Christ's Kingdom.
What is the purpose of the thousand years?
Who will be here on Earth during this time?
What will they be doing for the thousand years?
To be continued.
Circa: 3000 AD
The Lake of Fire is not to be confused with hell.
Events at The Lake of Fire take place at a specific point in time immediately following the Final Judgment. It is the place where
The Holy Spirit will extiguish all wickedness from existence.
Yin will have no Yang.
For more details on The Lake of Fire read Revelation 20.
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