There are many interpretations of the seven seals, trumpets, and vials (bowls).
This PDF image is one interpretation.
Try reading the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials of the book of Revelation in this order: Bottom left to bottom right and so on.
The Chief Cornerstone (pdf)
DownloadOver the years I've listened to everyone from clergy to laymen explain how these Gospel accounts do not agree with each other. When examined closely The Holy Bible is in perfect agreement with itself. Minor errors may exist in the translations of various words and phrases but these can be easily reconciled.
Events at Jesus Tomb (pdf)
DownloadThere has been much debate over the centuries regarding just what Peter and that other disciple saw when they peered into Jesus tomb that Sunday morning.
They had no doubt Jesus had resurrected from the dead.
If we think about those things which occurred at Jesus burial we can then understand what they saw after His resurrection.
Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus wrapped Jesus' body in fine linen with a hundred pounds of a mixture of Myrrh and aloes.
(John 19:38-42)
Myrrh is a tree sap. The fine linen strips were soaked in the mixture of Myrrh and aloes
and then wrapped around Jesus' body. This quickly dried creating a hard shell
around His body. A shroud was also draped over this as was the tradition:
( Genesis 50:26 “So Joseph died, being an hundred and ten years old:
and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.”
When Jesus resurrected, His body transfigured into
His incorruptible body which is capable of
passing through material objects.
The hard linen shell would have remained intact as Jesus' transfigured body
passed through it leaving His image embossed on the shroud.
The Solar Calendar vs Other Calendars
This is a presentation of the Annual Calendar I believe The LORD issued in
Exodus 12:1-2; 13:4
As with other calendars the Solar calendar can be arranged day by day and month by month but here it is represented by a pie chart. The first day of the year is 1 Abib which is the Spring Equinox.
The Solar Calendar (pdf)
Download1. The Solar Calendar:
1) A daily rotation of the earth on its axis actually takes 24 hours, 57.3 seconds.
2) Earth’s annual rotation around the sun actually takes 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes.
3) On the Solar Calendar is automatically adjusted at the Vernal Equinox every year.
4) The 6 summer months are exactly 31 days in length.
5) Of the 6 winter months, 5 are 30 days in length, the 6th is 29 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes.
6) The Vernal (Spring) Equinox = the 1st day of the 1st month = The 1st day of Abib.
Vernal Equinox
Summer months = Light
1st month = 31 days (Abib)
2nd month = 31 days
3rd month = 31 days
Summer Solstice
4th month = 31 days
5th month = 31 days
6th month = 31 days
Autumnal Equinox
Winter months = Darkness
7th month = 30 days
8th month = 30 days
9th month = 30 days
Winter Solstice
10th month = 30 days
11th month = 30 days
12th month = 29 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes
Total = 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes
2. The Jewish Calendar:
1) Lunar/Solar Calendar.
2) Each month begins on the day of the sighting of the New moon.
3) Each Lunar cycle is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes
(One rotation of the Moon around the Earth).
4) The Jewish Sacred Year begins on the 1st day of the 1st month, Nisan, and is determined by counting the days since the previous sacred year and then posting a watch for the New moon. This date has also been determined by watching for the New moon at the time of the barley harvest.
5) The Jewish New Year / Civil Year begins on the 1st day of the 7th month, Tishri.
6) Each year has 12 months (New moons) with an additional month added every 3 years.
7) The length of some months vary, being either 29 or 30 days from one year to the next.
1st month = 30 days (Sacred year - Nisan)
2nd month = 29 days
3rd month = 30 days
4th month = 29 days
5th month = 30 days
6th month = 29 days
7th month = 30 days (Civil year - Tishri)
8th month = 29/30 days
9th month = 29/30 days
10th month = 29 days
11th month = 30 days
12th month = 29/30 days
Total = 353 or 354 or 355 days (ordinary year)
383 or 384 or 385 days (leap year)
3. The Gregorian Calendar:
1) Introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 AD
as a more accurate version of the Julian Calendar.
2) The Julian Calendar - Proposed by Julius Caesar in 46 BC.
- Replaced the Roman Calendar on January 1st 45 BC.
3) Has dominated Western Civilization from the Republic of Rome to this day and has
been adopted by most of the Modern World.
4) The names of months and the names of week days are named after the Roman gods.
(The Roman Emperors were considered gods as well.)
(New Year - January 1st)
1st month = 31 days
2nd month = 28/29 days
(Leap Year - Add 1 day every 4th year)
3rd month = 31 days
4th month = 30 days
5th month = 31 days
6th month = 30 days
7th month = 31 days
8th month = 31 days
9th month = 30 days
10th month = 31 days
11th month = 30 days
12th month = 31 days
Total = 365 days
366 days (leap year)
The scripture I reference at is taken from
the King James Bible 1611 Authorized Version.
In order to make reading the scripture a little easier I may convert a few of
the archaic English words to modern English
(wast = was, knowest = know, thou = you, hast = have, ...). &